fixed_point (deprecated)  rev.2
Binary Fixed-Point Arithmetic Library in C++
auxiliary Directory Reference


file  const_integer.h [code]
 essential definitions related to the sg14::const_integer type
file  elastic_fixed_point.h [code]
 essential definitions related to the sg14::elastic_fixed_point type
file  elastic_integer.h [code]
 essential definitions related to the sg14::elastic_integer type
file  multiprecision.h [code]
 definitions and specializations that adapt Boost.Multiprecision for use with sg14::fixed_point
file  numeric.h [code]
 functions that might belong in the <numeric> header
file  overflow.h [code]
 essential definitions related to the overflow detection and handling
file  safe_integer.h [code]
 essential definitions related to the sg14::safe_integer type