CNL  2.0.2 (development)
Compositional Numeric Library
scaled_integer Directory Reference


file  definition.h [code]
 definition of cnl::scaled_integer type
file  extras.h [code]
 supplemental definitions related to the cnl::scaled_integer type; definitions that straddle two homes, e.g. scaled_integer and cmath, traits or limits; included from cnl/scaled_integer.h - do not include directly!
file  math.h [code]
 some cmath specializations for cnl::scaled_integer type;
file  named.h [code]
 essential named definitions related to the cnl::scaled_integer type
file  num_traits.h [code]
 cnl::scaled_integer specializations of num_traits traits and similar
file  numbers.h [code]
 scaled_integer specializations of math constants from <numbers>
file  numeric_limits.h [code]
 specialisation of std::numeric_limits of scaled_integer
file  operators.h [code]
 cnl::scaled_integer operators